Our Aims

  • To continue to develop pride in our beautiful town through people of all ages working in partnership
  • To raise concerns about the appearance of our town and to encourage stewardship by all sections of the community
  • To provide contact with the natural environment and to raise awareness of biodiversity and sustainability
  • To provide a focus and support for local partner groups working towards a common goal

Future Plans

Lease of Nursery from Moray Council

The most significant project for FIB is to finalise the terms of the lease of the Nursery. Although the offer of 10 years for £1 appears attractive, the conditions expected will be costly to implement.

  • FIB has funding for installation of solar panels
  • Consideration will be given to the installation of a Bore Hole to provide water

Other Plans

  • Continue to consider sustainability of FIB in future years
  • Continue to review choice of plant material and condition of flower beds, watering system and permanent planting
  • Continue to involve children and others in cleanliness and horticultural initiatives
  • Work with Forres Area Community Trust and other groups to install consistent interpretation signage
  • Work with environmental groups to plan stewardship of Open Spaces and development plans for Cluny Woods and Grant Park
  • Continue to work towards Green Flag status for Grant Park with KSB support
  • Continue upgrading Wee FIBbees garden with additional activity areas
  • Continue to participate in consultation about the future maintenance of the Mosset Burn
  • Collaborate with Mackenzie and Cruickshank to manage a 5 year phased redevelopment of the Sunken Garden
  • Continue to fundraise for ongoing projects
  • Participate in celebration of 100 years since Grant Park was given to people of Forres


  • We are indebted to Garry McCartney, Chief Reporter and Staff of the Forres Gazette who give us so much assistance by raising issues and publicising our events with cheerful enthusiasm.
  • We are also supported by other local media: The Northern Scot; The Press and Journal and Moray Firth Radio
  • We are developing our new website and have Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts and make regular contributions to Forres Then and Now
  • Committee members give regular talks to local groups and to school pupils and great interest has been shown in our presentation about our year’s work.
  • We often host visits and describe our yearly programme to other groups interested in enhancing their own environment
  • We are always gratified by the appreciation expressed and financial support given by those who visit our town regularly to enjoy the horticultural displays.
  • We display thank you notices on displays, on barrels and in shop windows to show our appreciation for financial support
  • We engage with residents and visitors when we are working around the town and in the Wee FIBbees garden